Shivkishan Rathi left his home of Bikaner, Rajasthan, India at a young age. Arriving in Mumbai in his late 20s, he was able to eventually achieve his dream, forming a textile company in the early 1980s that produced clothing and fabrics. His company, Kaleen, soon grew to include an arm in the USA in 1997––Kaleen Rugs & Broadloom. The company’s domestic distribution center is located in Dalton, Georgia.
For decades the Kaleen family of companies has been a leading manufacturer, importer, and distributor of high quality floor coverings. The company is still headquartered in Mumbai, India, with three manufacturing units across the country. Their new and existing manufacturing plants make use of solar power and water recycling, are eco-friendly and both ISO 9000 and SA8000 certified.
Kaleen’s constantly evolving capabilities and strict attention to detail mean that they always craft the perfect piece for their customers. Their high-quality rugs and broadloom carpets bring a luxurious feel to every room in the home, with patterns that range from fun and festive to contemporary, traditional, and internationally-inspired designs. Vibrant geometric, floral, and traditional middle eastern patterns make for a striking piece with echoes of the past. Hand-knotted rugs are crafted in pure wool using age-old techniques on traditional looms––they are the ideal heirloom piece. Their thick piles and careful construction mean that they will be able to stand the test of time, even in the busiest of households.
Kaleen rugs are available in both indoor and outdoor materials, with outdoor selections receiving a special UV protective treatment and being woven from polypropylene yarn spun from recycled plastic bottles. Choose from accent rugs, oversized rugs, doormats, runners, throw rugs, and square, oval, rectangular, and round options in an array of dimensions. Broadloom carpeting selections offer subdued and refined beauty in a neutral background on which to live your life comfortably.
If Kaleen Rugs and Broadloom offerings appeal to your sense of style, you can easily shop and order from their collections at Sedlak Interiors. Get in touch to learn more!
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